Don’t make these mistakes when planning for your retirement!

Retire Safely

Avoid the 7 Costly Mistakes Families Make in Their 

Estate Planning

Financial & Tax Architects and Your Estate Matters, LLC invite you to attend a fun and information-packed seminar as our guest.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
6:00- 7:30 pm CDT
Sunset Hills Community Center
3915 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis

Register To Attend:

In this 90-minute presentation, you’ll learn things like

  • What are the 7 Costly mistakes families make in their estate plans?
  • PROBATE - what is it, why does everyone want to AVOID IT?
  • How do I ensure my children don’t waste or lose their inheritance?
  • If I die first, and my spouse remarries, will my kids still get the money?
  • How do I leave my money to my financially irresponsible kids?
  • How do I keep my assets in the family and protect them from lawsuits, or my child’s ex-spouse?
  • Why should I update my Trust in light of the recent changes to Estate Tax Laws?
  • How will the recent passing of the SECURE Act impact my planning?
Questions for retirement planning

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Investment advisory services offered through Financial & Tax Architects, LLC, registered investment adviser. Insurance and annuity products offered through AdvisorMax, LLC, an affiliated insurance field marketing organization.